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Association of Emergency
Care Training Providers

Promoting quality in the first aid sector

Association of Emergency
Care Training Providers

Promoting quality in the first aid sector

Association of Emergency
Care Training Providers

Promoting quality in the first aid sector

Promoting quality in the first aid sector

First aid is a life skill that can be used at work, in the home and in the community. Good knowledge and practical skills come from training through quality providers that focus on the learner and giving confidence to provide first aid when suddenly called upon. AECTP was founded to ensure that standards and credibility are maintained within the first aid sector. All of our members have signed up to our Rules and our Code of Ethics.

With Tradition and Passion.
Handmade for You.


Have Your Say
Join Today

Currenty we have over 20 members including PTEs, polytechs and schools.
Please feel free to contact us, we really appreciate hearing from you.

4 great reasons to join

  • 1
    The industries Peak Body working for you
  • 2
    Keep up to date with industry news
  • 3
    Attend our annual conference
  • 4
    Network with like-minded people
What our members say

Simon Barnett

Hato Hone St John
The Association of Emergency Care Training Providers (AECTP) brings together organisations and professionals committed to raising the standard of First Aid training in New Zealand. By breaking down traditional competitive barriers, AECTP fosters a culture of collaboration, where members share knowledge, advocate for best practice, and shape the future of first aid education—together. As a member, you’ll be part of a collective voice driving positive change, ensuring consistency, quality, and accessibility in life-saving training across the country.

Ron Liddicote

Shalom Training

As a sole trader First Aid provider based in the isolated rural Far North AECTP is invaluable.

Through this professional association I am able to keep up with changes and trends in national and international First Aid standards. Our Conferences provide a platform for new and innovative tools I can use in everyday course delivery and widen my overall skill and knowledge.

It also means I get great updates and can ask the tricky questions in a supportive environment. Many of our presenters over the years have been world leaders in their specialist areas and inspiring educators.

AECTP IS Aotearoa’s top professional body in the First Aid domain and I know any prospective members won’t be disappointed.