Meet the Members Shalom Education
Welcome to our new regular feature introducing our members. In this issue, we head north to meet one of our industry smaller providers who serve remote communities in the far north. Small in size, big in heart and just as important.
Introducing one of the industries consistent performers who started up in the last century
Shalom Education was first registered with NZQA on September 21 1992. Ron Liddicoat has seen it all before. Changes in standards, personnel and ideas. Shalom has been an AECTP member from the beginning and, before this, a long term PECANZ member.
As a sole trader and only registered First Aid provider based in the isolated rural Far North, Ron encounters some challenges, including access to remote locations, at times a reliable power source, and decent internet coverage. Ron points out that even Bluetooth is an issue at times, which presents a problem with the app he uses that connects to his manikins. Seventy per cent of Shalom's client base is Māori which Ron says affords him the opportunity as far as possible to engage in Te Reo. The forestry industry is a crucial client along with early childhood education, including Kōhanga Reo. Ron covers lots of kilometres each year combined with some challenging terrains.
We asked Ron about his relationship with AECTP. "Through this professional association, I am able to keep up with changes and trends in national and international First Aid standards. Our Conferences provide a platform for new and innovative tools I can use in everyday course delivery and widen my overall skill and knowledge.
It also means I get great updates and can ask the tricky questions in a supportive environment. Many of our presenters over the years have been world leaders in their specialist areas and inspiring educators.
AECTP IS Aotearoa's top professional body in the First Aid domain, and I know any prospective members won't be disappointed."
AECTP believes that providers like Shalom are critical in assuring the availability of first aid training across New Zealand. Ron said he looks forward to catching up with everyone once more at Conference 2021.
Ron Liddicoat
© 2024, Association of Emergency Care Training Providers