From the Chair
A message from the Chair of the Board

Happy New Year
I hope you have all managed to have a well-earned rest with your loved ones over the holiday period and despite the ups-and-downs of last year, 2022 will bring a more stable business year for all.
After a huge amount of background work AECPT has seen several successes.
- Being recognised as a Peak Body for the first aid sector by the Workforce Development Council. This has allowed for a strong working relationship between WDC and AECTP.
- Approval for temporary online assessment of 6401, 6400. This is now on the WDC (Toitá¿¡ Te Waiora) website.
- Ongoing input to the review of the first aid unit standards.
- Wanting to open communications with you our members therefore running a Q & A forum though teams on the 18 March at 10am (Angela has emailed you all regarding questions for this session).
- We are always on the outlook for articles for our newsletter and value our members opinions so please send them in so we can share your thoughts.
Unfortunately, we have not be successful of gaining targeted funding for first aid providers.
Conference has been postponed until November 2022 when hopefully New Zealand will have opened again, and life is back to the new normal.
Keep safe everyone
16 Feb 2022
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